Group Detail

groups / app-utils

Name Description
alum Avouch Live USB Maker
apr-util The Apache Portable Runtime
at AT and batch delayed command scheduling utility and daemon
cowpatty Wireless WPA/WPA2 PSK handshake cracking utility
ddrescue GNU data recovery tool
diskscan CLI tool to scan block devices for unreadable sectors
double-conversion Binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles
extundelete Utility for recovering deleted files from ext2, ext3 or ext4 partitions by parsing the journal
grub-customizer A graphical grub2 settings manager
hdparm A shell utility for manipulating Linux IDE drive/driver parameters
jq Command-line JSON processor
kindd A Kindful dd gui written in qt quick
mediawriter Fedora Media Writer is a tool that helps users put Fedora (and custom) images on their portable drives such as flash disks.
mesa-demos Mesa demos and tools incl. glxinfo + glxgears
mkosi Build Legacy-Free OS Images
moreutils A growing collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write thirty years ago
multibootusb Boot multiple live Linux distros from a usb flash drive.
parallel A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel
pick A fuzzy search tool for the command line
qlipper Lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet based on qt
rrdtool Data logging and graphing application
sddm-config-editor SDDM Configuration Editor
sg3_utils Generic SCSI utilities
smartmontools Control and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives
sysmontask System Monitor With UI Like Windows
testdisk Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool
tlp Linux Advanced Power Management
tlp-rdw Linux Advanced Power Management - Radio Device Wizard
tree A directory listing program displaying a depth indented list of files