Group Detail

groups / dev-db

Name Description
cassandra Apache Cassandra NoSQL database
chronograf Time-series data visualization tool for InfluxDB
db The Berkeley DB embedded database system
dqlite Distributed SQLite
freetds Library for accessing Sybase and MS SQL Server databases
galera write set replication (WSREP) provider for MariaDB cluster
influxdb Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
ldb A schema-less, ldap like, API and database
leveldb A fast and lightweight key/value database library
libdbi A database independant abstraction layer for C
libdbi-drivers Database drivers for libdbi (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite)
libfbclient Client library for Firebird
libmaxminddb MaxMindDB GeoIP2 database library
lmdb Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
mariadb Fast SQL database server, derived from MySQL
mariadb-clients MariaDB client tools
mariadb-libs MariaDB libraries
meilisearch Lightning Fast, Ultra Relevant, and Typo-Tolerant Search Engine
mmdblookup MaxMindDB GeoIP2 lookup utility
mongo-c-driver A client library written in C for MongoDB
mongodb-bin A high-performance, open source, schema-free document-oriented database
mongodb-tools The MongoDB tools provide import, export, and diagnostic capabilities.
mytop Top clone for MariaDB
opensearch Open source distributed and RESTful search engine
opensearch-analysis-icu-plugin The ICU Analysis plugin integrates the Lucene ICU module into OpenSearch, adding ICU-related analysis components.
opensearch-analysis-kuromoji-plugin The Japanese (kuromoji) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene kuromoji analysis module into opensearch.
opensearch-analysis-nori-plugin The Korean (nori) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene nori analysis module into opensearch.
opensearch-analysis-phonetic-plugin The Phonetic Analysis plugin integrates phonetic token filter analysis with opensearch.
opensearch-analysis-smartcn-plugin Smart Chinese Analysis plugin integrates Lucene Smart Chinese analysis module into opensearch.
opensearch-analysis-stempel-plugin The Stempel (Polish) Analysis plugin integrates Lucene stempel (polish) analysis module into opensearch.
opensearch-analysis-ukrainian-plugin The Ukrainian Analysis plugin integrates the Lucene UkrainianMorfologikAnalyzer into opensearch.
opensearch-discovery-azure-classic-plugin The Azure Classic Discovery plugin allows to use Azure Classic API for the unicast discovery mechanism
opensearch-discovery-ec2-plugin The EC2 discovery plugin allows to use AWS API for the unicast discovery mechanism.
opensearch-discovery-gce-plugin The Google Compute Engine (GCE) Discovery plugin allows to use GCE API for the unicast discovery mechanism.
opensearch-ingest-attachment-plugin Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents
opensearch-mapper-annotated-text-plugin The Mapper Annotated_text plugin adds support for text fields with markup used to inject annotation tokens into the index.
opensearch-mapper-murmur3-plugin The Mapper Murmur3 plugin allows to compute hashes of a field\'s values at index-time and to store them in the index.
opensearch-mapper-size-plugin The Mapper Size plugin allows document to record their uncompressed size at index time.
opensearch-repository-gcs-plugin The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.
opensearch-repository-azure-plugin The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.
opensearch-repository-hdfs-plugin The HDFS repository plugin adds support for Hadoop Distributed File-System (HDFS) repositories.
opensearch-repository-s3-plugin The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories
opensearch-store-smb-plugin The Store SMB plugin adds support for SMB stores.
opensearch-transport-nio-plugin The nio transport.
osinfo-db Osinfo database of information about operating systems for virtualization provisioning tools
postgresql Sophisticated object-relational DBMS
postgresql-docs HTML documentation for PostgreSQL
postgresql-libs Libraries for use with PostgreSQL
redis An in-memory database that persists on disk
rethinkdb Distributed NoSQL database for realtime applications
soci Database access library for C++
sqlcipher SQLite extension that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption of database files
sqlite-analyzer An analysis program for sqlite3 database files
sqlitebrowser A high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite
sqlite-doc most of the static HTML files that comprise this website, including all of the SQL Syntax and the C/C++ interface specs and other miscellaneous documentation
sqlite-tcl sqlite Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA)
tdb A Trivial Database similar to GDBM but allows simultaneous commits
telegraf Plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB
tinycdb Very fast and simple package for creating and reading constant data bases
unixodbc ODBC is an open specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data Sources
oracle-xe Oracle Database Express Edition