Group Detail

groups / dev-perl

Name Description
perl-algorithm-diff Perl/CPAN Module Algorithm::Diff : Diff also Longest Common Subsequence
perl-archive-cpio module for manipulations of cpio archives
perl-archive-tar Perl module for manipulations of tar archives
perl-archive-zip Provide a perl interface to ZIP archive files
perl-bit-vector Efficient bit vector, set of integers and "big int" math library
perl-cairo-gobject The Perl Cairo module
perl-carp-clan Report errors from perspective of caller of a "clan" of modules
perl-cgi Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
perl-convert-asn1 Perl/CPAN Module Convert::ASN1 : Standard endecode of ASN1 structures
perl-cpanel-json-xs cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing
perl-cpan-meta the distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
perl-crypt-le Provides the functionality necessary to use Let's Encrypt API and generate free SSL certificates
perl-crypt-openssl-bignum OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
perl-crypt-openssl-guess Guess OpenSSL include path
perl-crypt-openssl-random Interface to OpenSSL PRNG methods
perl-crypt-openssl-rsa Interface to OpenSSL RSA methods
perl-date-calc Perl module for Gregorian calendar date calculations
perl-date-manip Date::Manip - date manipulation routines
perl-dbi Database independent interface for Perl
perl-devel-symdump Perl symbol table access and dumping
perl-digest Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
perl-digest-hmac Perl Module: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication.
perl-digest-md5 Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
perl-digest-nilsimsa Perl version of Nilsimsa code
perl-digest-sha1 Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
perl-encode character encodings in Perl
perl-encode-detect An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
perl-encode-locale Determine the locale encoding
perl-error Perl/CPAN Error module - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
perl-exporter-tiny an exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies
perl-extutils-depends The Perl depends module
perl-extutils-pkgconfig The Perl Pkgconfig module
perl-file-listing parse directory listing
perl-file-slurp Read/write/append files quickly
perl-file-which Portable implementation of which
perl-font-ttf Font::TTF - Perl module for TrueType font hacking
perl-glib Perl wrappers for glib 2.x, including GObject
perl-glib-object-introspection The Perl Pkgconfig module
perl-gtk3 The Perl Gtk3 module
perl-html-parser Perl HTML parser class
perl-html-tagset Data tables useful in parsing HTML
perl-http-daemon a simple http server class
perl-http-date Date conversion routines
perl-http-message HTTP style messages
perl-http-negotiate choose a variant to serve
perl-inc-latest Build, test, and install Perl modules
perl-io-html Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
perl-io-socket-inet6 Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets
perl-io-stringy I/O on in-core objects like strings/arrays
perl-json JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
perl-json-maybexs Use Cpanel::JSON::XS with a fallback to JSON::XS and JSON::PP
perl-libwww The World-Wide Web library for Perl
perl-linux-pid Interface to Linux getpp?id functions
perl-list-moreutils Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
perl-list-moreutils-xs Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
perl-locale-gettext Permits access from Perl to the gettext() family of functions
perl-log-log4perl Log4j implementation for Perl
perl-lwp-mediatypes guess media type for a file or a URL
perl-lwp-protocol-https Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
perl-mail-box Mail folder manager and MUA backend
perl-mail-dkim Implements DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)
perl-mail-sendmail Perl/CPAN Module Mail::Sendmail : Simple platform independent mailer
perl-mail-spf Perl module that provides SPF support
perl-mailtools Various e-mail related modules
perl-mime-charset Charset Information for MIME
perl-module-build Build, test, and install Perl modules
perl-mozilla-ca Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format
perl-netaddr-ip Perl module to manage IP addresses and subnets
perl-net-cidr-lite Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses
perl-net-dns Perl Module: Interface to the DNS resolver
perl-net-dns-resolver-programmable A Net::DNS::Resolver descendant class for offline emulation of DNS
perl-net-dns-sec Perl Module: Interface to the DNS resolver.
perl-net-http Low-level HTTP connection (client)
perl-net-ip Perl Module: Easy manipulation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
perl-net-patricia Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
perl-net-ssleay Perl extension for using OpenSSL
perl-pango The Perl Pango module
perl-par-dist Perl bindings to create and manipulate PAR distributions
perl-parse-yapp Perl/CPAN Module Parse::Yapp : Generates OO LALR parser modules
perl-path-class Cross-platform path specification manipulation
perl-path-tiny A small and fast Perl module for working with file paths
perl-pod-coverage Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
perl-pod-parser Modules for parsing/translating POD format documents
perl-proc-processtable Provides a consistent interface to process table information.
perl-sgmls A Post-Processor for SGMLS and NSGMLS
perl-socket6 getaddrinfo/getnameinfo support module
perl-sort-versions Sort::Versions - a perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
perl-sub-identify Retrieve names of code references
perl-sub-override Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
perl-super Control superclass method dispatch
perl-switch A switch statement for Perl
perl-term-readkey Provides simple control over terminal driver modes
perl-test-inter Framework for more readable interactive test scripts
perl-test-mockmodule Override subroutines in a module for unit testing
perl-test-needs Skip tests when modules not available
perl-test-pod Check for POD errors in files
perl-test-pod-coverage CPAN Test::Pod::Coverage module
perl-test-warnings Test for warnings and the lack of them
perl-text-charwidth Perl/CPAN Module Text::CharWidth
perl-text-csv comma-separated values manipulator
perl-text-diff Perform diffs on files and record sets
perl-text-wrapi18n Line wrapping module with support for multibyte, fullwidth, and combining characters and languages without whitespaces between words
perl-timedate Date formating subroutines
perl-tk A graphical user interface toolkit for Perl
perl-try-tiny Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@
perl-unicode-linebreak UAX #14 Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm
perl-uri Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
perl-www-robotrules Database of robots.txt-derived permissions
perl-xml-namespacesupport Generic namespace helpers (ported from SAX2)
perl-xml-parser Expat-based XML parser module for perl
perl-xml-sax Simple API for XML
perl-xml-sax-base Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
perl-xml-simple Simple XML parser for perl
perl-yaml Perl/CPAN Module YAML : YAML Aint Markup Language
perl-yaml-tiny Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible
perl-authen-pam Perl interface to PAM library