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How to make bootable Usb

Bootable Usb (CLI Method)
First mount the USB drive by running the command:


Where $FILE_SYSTEM is the filesystem of the USB drive (e.g. vfat)
Where $DRIVE is the absolute path of the USB drive (e.g. /dev/sdc1)
Where $DATA_MOUNTPOINT is the mount point of USB drive (e.g. /mnt)

Next make the driectory by running the following command:
  sudo mkdir -p $DATA_MOUNTPOINT/boot/grub

Make USB drive boot-able for UEFI systems by executing the the following command:

   sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=$EFI_MOUNTPOINT --boot-directory=$DATA_MOUNTPOINT/boot --removable --recheck

Make USB drive boot-able for BIOS systems by executing the the following command:

  sudo grub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory=$DATA_MOUNTPOINT/boot --recheck $DISK

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